Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Even more of my favorite stuff

In the show at the Carter there is an amazing drawing by Mark Tobey, I think it is called Broadway Afternoon. Below is not it, I could not find an image, but this is a similar drawing. I really enjoy the maniacal line work in Tobey's work. There are a couple of great Tobey's at the DMA and one in the Carter collection now. He learned Japanese calligraphy, and created his own visual language based in frenetic line work. Compositions such as this one are full of energy and movement. There are also these embedded faces, as in the drawing at the Carter right now. There are numerous smaller faces in the drawing from the Wadsworth, emerging from the patterns of line, as if they are faces of people you might pass in a bustling crowd.

If I could take one drawing home with me, it would be the Tobey.

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